Application essays
Research Paper Topics About Babies
Monday, August 24, 2020
Failed Leadership Essay -- Religion, Yahweh
Elijah is a prophet of Yahweh, Whom service is begun with sensational shock to the neighborhood individuals and the country. He declare dry season that there won't be either downpour or dew in the country aside from by his promise (1Kings 17:1). Elijah’s service again followed by another triumph on pile of Carmel in vindicating the force that professes to be strong. We see various pictures of Elijah in 1Kings 17-19. In Chapter 17 we see Elijah who is talking as ground-breaking leader. In Chapter 18, we see Elijah who is triumphant over his adversaries, and stand up to with the King (1kings 18:17-19). In Chapter 19 we see a dampened Elijah who appears to be overlooked his late triumph over the prophets of Baal. At last in this content (19:1-4) we see the fallen Elijah, fallen powerful holy person who is asking for death and Elijah who was resigning from his drawn out help as prophet of Yahweh (1kings 19:15-18). Lives of the considerable number of entertainers of this content ma y boisterously address the Oromo individuals who have fled mistreatment of oppressive system and endured childish character of their very own portion chief who drove the freeing establishment. I. Application Today, when we read this content (1Kings 19:1-4 and 19:8-15) having the Elijah in the past two sections (17 and 18) as a top priority a great deal of things may go to our brains, such things as certainty, mightiest , reasonable, and abuse. After the incredible occasions on Mount Carmel, Elijah didn't get the chance to appreciate the successful minutes over the prophets of Baal. For those of you who had enormous encounters in the battle for opportunity and experienced abuse, it must be more clear what it feels to be in misery, reasonable and disillusionment. Of late companion of mine disclosed to me that he strolled on his feet for nine da... ...ip and turn individuals face to venerate the might God, notwithstanding, he was loaded up proudly. Essentially the pioneers who guarantee to lead the freeing power moving in the direction of the Oromo individuals may look like Elijah who has huge fortitude to work for the realm he is called to serve yet bombed in pride. At long last, the means Elijah took in liberating individuals from loving the Idol could incompletely please God he was serving, to the opposite his pride disappoint God. Consequently all together the battles to proceed with the individuals who have been playing with the issue must expel. In our content God advised to Elijah to proceed to expel the current political and strict pioneers to be supplanted by new pioneers (1Kings 19:15-18). We are person we won't serve everlastingly and we won't mess up until the end of time. God will utilize every single imaginable intend to call and introduce whom he need and expel that He needs to evacuate.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Land law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Land law - Essay Example e debates are probably going to happen when the structures are fragmented or missing, similar to the case in TSB Bank Plc v Botham.3 This angle was additionally applied in the Taylor case, where it was held that the ideal opportunity for evaluating whether a thing is an apparatus or property is at the hour of contracting, else it could add up to camouflage. Accordingly, an extraordinary arrangement will rely on the substance of the home loan contract Freddy has with Lords Bank and whether it has been determined that specific things won't be viewed as installations for reasons for the agreement. At the point when the inquiry concerns the assurance of whether a thing has a place with a house, at that point it must be to such an extent that it turns into a piece of the land itself. The instance of Elitestone Ltd v Morris4 exhibits this rule. For this situation, the property being referred to was a house that had been pre-assembled and remained on concrete columns so it was seen as close to home property (asset) by the Court of Appeal. In any case, when the case went to the House of Lords, it was held that an expulsion of the structure would have involved its devastation, consequently the structure was a piece of the land itself and couldn't be expelled. In any case, on account of Chelsea Yacht and Boat Club v Pope5 , a house on a flatboat that was joined along the edge through gas and power links, was not esteemed to be a piece of the land, yet was viewed as close to home property that could be evacuated. Along these lines, when the situation on installations/fittings has not been plainly indicated in the agreement, the most significant perspective in the assurance of whether a thing is removable or not will rely on the degree to which it is viewed as a piece of the property itself. Applying this differentiation along these lines, things which become a piece of the house will be viewed as apparatuses and won't be removable. Be that as it may, things which don't turn out to be a piece of the house yet are removable will be viewed as fittings and they can be evacuated. For instance, on account of Berkeley v Poulett6
Monday, July 20, 2020
Critical Commentary On English School Of International Relations
Critical Commentary On English School Of International Relations Critical Commentary On English School Of International Relations Theory â€" Coursework Example > Question 1: As Barry Buzan explains, the English School has had the ambition to be a “grand theory†of the International relations in the sense that it incorporates not only the concerns of realist power politics and those of the Neo-Liberals but also those of the liberals and constructivists and the cosmopolitan reforms. It has tried to achieve this grand thesis through bringing together what it calls the “Tree Traditions†in IR theory, as presented in Figure 1 on page 9 of Barry Buzan’s book. (from which book/file shall we find this, I’ve tried over the net, there are no “Tree Tradition†figure by Buzan) Summarise in your own words the main elements of this English School tradition up to Buzan work. Do you find this attempt at a “grand theory “necessary and valuable? (Note: do not summarize Buzan attempt to reconstruct English School theory). (400 words) Source: Toward a World Society? : An Assessment of Barry Buzan’s reconceptualization of the English Scho ol of International RelationsThe argument of the main elements of the English School tradition believes largely on power politics amongst states (Hobbes/Machiavelli); on Grotius’ institutionalization of shared interest and identity amongst states; and on, Kant’s individuals, non-state organizations and ultimately the global population as a whole. The common ground for these pillars seems to all fall down under a less complex explanation that “an international society exists despite the fact that states exist in an anarchical international systemâ€. (Bull, n.d. ). Barry Buzan’s three mains elements, on the other hand, are Realism (international system), Rationalism (international society, and Revolutionism (worldsociety). For me, Buzan’s attempt at a “grand theory†is both necessary and valuable. This attempt to unite three notable schools of thoughts would bring about a central idea on International Relations. This, in turn, may bridge the way to a functional intern ational relation. This is necessary for the development of a world, with a little pessimism brought about by realist, but with each individual believing that they have equal rights no matter where they live (rationalist) and the belief that they live in country where they have equal opportunities as the one they used to live in (revolutionist). The attempt is also valuable so that a supreme idea could be achieved. This supreme idea could also pave the way for the creation of a solution to the problem that concerns us, as a whole, as human being. We need to combat the problem not in a state level but in a collective effort. International relations need a basic principle to stand by so that every state looks in the same way, with one goal and in a single focused perspective. Question 2: Buzan is unhappy with what he considers to be inadequacy of the English School’s treatment of the concept of†World Societyâ€. What are his criticisms in this area and do you think we need to th eory of world society to understand contemporary international relations. (300 words). Source: Toward a World Society? :An Assessment of Barry Buzan’s reconceptualization of the English School of International Relations
Thursday, May 21, 2020
History of Enron What is Fraudulent Financial Reporting
Enron Corporation History of Enron Enron Corporation was founded in Omaha, Nebraska (US), and in 1985 Houston Natural Gas Consolidated with InterNorth to make, what is now established as the energy based company. The corporation based in Houston, Texas (founded in 1985) was known as the better enterprise in North America that accomplished one of the vast natural gas transmission networks. â€Å"Enron was a provider of products and services related to natural gas, electricity and communications to wholesale and retail costumers†(Chary, 112). The company had the position of the â€Å"Most Innovative†corporation for a couple of years. Nonetheless, back in December 2001, its bankruptcy held the biggest fraud scandals in the history of the US. Kenneth Lay the former CEO of Houston Natural Gas became CEO and the chairman of enterprise and that was the time when they named it the Enron Corporation. The company swiftly all over the years increased to different regional areas, and gained a strong character. During the preceding years of Enron’s expansion, they discovered oil traders in New York that crippled the accounts of company to the amount of almost $1 billion. However, the company had treated the loss up to $142 million and due to that loss the corporation started developing various services so that it would reduce the risk of the price fluctuations. The Enron Corporation expanded countries such as South Africa (1992), entered European wholesalers market back in 1995 because theShow MoreRelatedFraud : Fraud And Fraud1551 Words  | 7 Pagesestablishment of the profession. Fraud can be committed against an individual or a business. In order to identify fraud, an auditor must be able to differentiate between what is considered fraud and what is considered error. Fraud as defined in our textbook as â€Å"intentional misstatements that can be classified as fraudulent financial reporting and/or misappropriation of assets.†On the other hand, error is â€Å"unintentional misstatements or omissions of amounts or disclosures.†This simply means that fraudRead MoreEnron Corporation : The Biggest Gas Transmission System Essay1081 Words  | 5 Pages The Enron Corporation started in 1985 by Kenneth Lay and was the result of a merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth Corporation (Madsen Vance, 2009). Enron had the biggest gas transmission system in the U.S which consisted of a network of 38,000 miles of pipeline (Giroux, 2008). After the addition of Jeffrey Skilling, Enron transformed itself from a producer and distributor of natural gas to a trading company (Chandra, 2003). Enron lobbied hard for deregulation and was capableRead MoreThe Sarbanes Oxley ( Sox ) Act Of 20021617 Words  | 7 Pagesexplored, based on existing research in this area. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Individual and the Community - 963 Words
The Individual and the Community This paper will give insight into the different views of three different philosophers with a never-ending struggle to keep a balance between the community and the Individual. By explaining their views he/she will find different definitions from the philosophers on how to live as an individual under a ruler and how a good citizen should be characterized. For example in Antigone a good citizen would not have gone against the law and buried their sibling in one of the philosopher eyes, but in another’s it made Antigone find happiness so the deed would be cleared and would make it ok. A philosopher of Athens named Socrates believed one could only judge him/herself, if he/she knows what is good or bad in†¦show more content†¦Plato Would be on Ismenes side also because justice and fairness is extremely important to him so by not defying the state she is doing the right thing. Aristotle might agree and also disagree because burying her brother would make her happy, but also not defying the State makes her happy because she doesn’t want to suffer the consequence thus being death. Socrates views on the individual and the community is extremely clear, he strongly disagrees with having an over powering government but rather likes when everyone gets a say in what they want. Plato views are different he believes in having a stronger government so that they can make the rules and everyone has to abide by them, the mindset of â€Å"law above all†. Yet the ruler must take advice at the same time and examine his decisions thoroughly before making them. Aristotle’s views are for everyone to seek happiness and when finding happiness in their life to live the â€Å"good life†because happiness is all you need to live your ownShow MoreRelatedThe Responsibility of the Individual to the Community Essay1167 Words  | 5 PagesMore than a destination at the end of the day, a community is a place people feel at home and a place where people want to feel safe at. Community responsibilities area unit a personalitys duties or obligations to the community a nd embody cooperation, respect and participation. The thought goes on the far side thinking and acting as people to common beliefs concerning shared interests and life. A basic community responsibility is voting in elections. Being socially accountable means folks and organizationsRead MoreThe Tension Between The Individual And The Community1604 Words  | 7 PagesThe tension between the individual and the community has been a problem for society since people settled down and created communities and civilizations. This conflict has endured throughout time and will continue to be a problem in today’s society and into the future. There is no society or government that has escaped this problem, whether you are socialist, communist, democratic, etc. this tension persists. The tensions exist because mostly in areas of extreme class struggle or foreign countriesRead MoreThe Importance Of Community For Individuals With Disabilities1060 Words  | 5 PagesTownley, Greg (2015 ). â€Å"It Helps You Not Feel So Badâ€â€Feel Like You Again†: The Importance of Community for Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, pp 1-12 Summary One would think that in today’s society that the ideal of individuals with disabilities appreciating equal opportunities to live and participate in their communities still remains an unrealized goal. This article offered examples that even though an increasing emphasis on supportingRead More Frankenstein, Community, and the Individual Essay1697 Words  | 7 Pagesand the Industrial Revolution, with lessening importance on shared knowledge and the public sphere and more emphasis on individual achievement and identity, leading to a fractured and isolated society. 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From the Pilgrims, who came to America aboard the Mayflower, to the Puritans, who later came across their sacred â€Å"city upon a hill,†hundreds of thousands of people eagerly set sail across the Atlantic Ocean on the premise of escaping the King’s tyranny and the uncheckedRead MoreCorruption Of The Nation, The Community, And The Individual1573 Words  | 7 PagesIzzy Rael November 16, 2015 English 10-X Corruption of the Nation, the Community, and the Individual â€Å"Corruption is the enemy of development, and of good governance. It must be got rid of,†says Pratibha Patil, India’s 12th president. Corruption within society hinders its ability to properly function and affects mankind. While it is in effect, corruption will continue to tarnish society’s mores. In Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the motifs of disease and decay to exhibit that moral corruptionRead MoreEssay The Significance of the Hajj on the Community and Individual674 Words  | 3 Pagesfaith and practice as it is the fifth pillar of faith, symbolises central concepts of Islam and commemorates the trials of the Prophet Ibrahim. Hajj provides individuals with the opportunity for spiritual rebirth through developing a closer relationship with Allah as well as fulfilling the five pillars of Islam. The global Islamic community are also united through submission to the will and communal worship of their â€Å"one God†Allah. Hajj takes place during Dhul-Hajjah, the twelfth month of theRead MoreLgbt Community : A New Culture Of Individuals943 Words  | 4 PagesFaces of American have changed, a new culture of individuals who identify as the LGBT community. LGBT stands for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning. 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Underage drinking Free Essays
Underage Drinking underage drinkers drink to look cool and It may be the social thing to do at the latest party or even at home; feeling curious a teen may consume alcohol to tit in with their surroundings. This can be due to the fact that the minor could be pressured into drinking. With all the popular media hype about alcohol and especially during the Super Bowl; it Just shows minors that it is okay to participate in drinking and if they do, this great boost will occur. We will write a custom essay sample on Underage drinking or any similar topic only for you Order Now The other cause to these other Influences could have already had happened, such as the childhood experience being abused by the runken father or alcoholic mother who does not nurture her children. Underage drinking Is detrimental to the health of themselves and others whom they affect: It Is an ongoing problem that continues, with the number of students Increasing each year Drinking underage can be linked to advertising that is very persuasive to the minors. These advertisements, some say target children, but the alcohol companies deny. In efforts to prove the people wrong; alcohol companies have put forth their part into making an advertisement discouraging alcohol abuse. The advertisements ake the young minded minors to think drinking can put on physical attractiveness, It is fun, or gives special powers to make the person better at athletics. Some would soy the audience that Is targeted In the beer advertisements. such ds Bud Light, are Indeed minors, seeing an alcoholic beverage and having the appeal to take acuon are different. ne of the advertisements by Bug Light were shown on the super Bowl commercials ot people stranded on an island; they found a radio, but instead ot using it to find help, they found a cart of alcoholic beverages and showed them aving the best time on the island. The reality of this commercial is saying to teens, if you drink alcohol you will have the best time of your life. Especially, when those minors are being pressured into by their peers to take the shot, it makes the situation Into a more dangerous one. Having a party with friends Is one thing, but If that party host has access to their parents liquor stash It becomes d different party. â€Å"Rates are higher among 12th graders, with reporting at least one alcoholic drink during their lifetime, 43% reported at least one drink In the past 30 days, 28% reporting runkenness in the past 30 days, and reported daily use ot alcohol (Centers tor Disease Control and Prevention, 2008; Johnson et al. , 2009! ‘ (Song). These statistics are also closely related to my own experience, my own friends would come to the football game under the influence or go to the party this weekend which had alcohol. Drinking while in high school can also be lead to drinking in college, but the major dfference Is that alcohol is more demanding dt the college parties. Minor’s consequences on whom drinks can also Increase their risk of unhealthy outcomes; uch as fighting one another. which can lead to Injuries, reckless sexual behavior and drlvlng under the Influence. hile many do not have parents who have alcohol at their house, there are many ways ot obtaining alcohol by having take ID’s, by asking a stranger and giving them extra money for buying the booze for them; making college parties that much easier to obtain alcohol. â€Å"Researchers have identified a number of factors that contribute to adolescent alcohol use, including being male, having easy peers also drink alcohol†(Song). Minors rec eive biases messages about alcohol, it can e from the D. A. R. E program that educates the minors about the drugs and what it does to their bodies. The other messages could be from biased adults and popular media whom say one drink will not hurt, but the fact is that one drink can harm the body of the minor in psychological and physical ways. One of the counter arguments about underage drinking is lowering the drinking age to prevent binge-drinking at age 18 or 19 years old. â€Å"The problem is that underage drinking is now forced off campus, leading to â€Å"a culture of dangerous, clandestine binge-drinking†(Alcoholism Drug Abuse Weekly). Having the law as it is, makes the drinking go farther than the campus walls. If the age at which people are legal to drink is lowered, then the developing minds that are affected by the alcohol can reduce the minor’s chances of being successful. Having the age at 21 is good, not only does it prevent alcohol- related trauma, â€Å"But 10 percent of a state’s federal highway funds are cut if the state doesn’t mandate a drinking age of 21†(Alcoholism Drug Abuse Weekly). Popular media, community norms, and peer pressure, all have a fundamental root cause to hy adolescents drink at such an early age, it is because of their childhood experience. In order to be able to understand why college students are drinking at such an early age, analyzing how they were raised and their family life can be a big factor. One’s childhood experience can drastically take for the worst if their mother, father, or parental guardian is a drunk. Every night they would come home from drinking at the bar, see their child and tell them that everything is okay; the child would start to develop the idea that coming home drunk is an okay thing to do. The reason for the child’s drinking at an early age would be to cope with such a graphic image of their parent figure drinking and acting out violently towards their loved ones, â€Å"First, it created physical and emotional stress, which participants believed could be reduced through alcohol use. Second, victims of abuse began â€Å"to stop caring†about what happened to them or what people thought about their behavior. Third, many abuse victims absented themselves in order to escape the abuse, removing themselves to unsupervised or risky settings where they were offered, or it as easy to obtain, alcohol and drugs†(Rothman). The turn to alcohol is easy with a motive, such as lessening or not dealing with the burden put on the child through the traumatization. The risks to drinking can be the underdevelopment of the brain, although the changes are subtle, over a long period of time it can be noticeable. The liver and the growth hormones are affected by the consumption of alcohol at the early ages; they tend to produce a lot of liver enzyme, which is indicating some liver damage and throwing off the hormones of the adolescent’s puberty stage. With the umber of the population increasing, so does the student body, thus resulting in the pressures of drinking at an early age because of the ongoing problem with underage drinking. The cycle of underage drinking would occur, if the parents are young and are not ready to deal with a child; so when the child is growing the parents might be drinking because of the stress of dealing with the financial troubles if present. The problem on campus is not because the college students are doing it because they can, it is a variety of issues that causes them to take the drink at the college party. This problem is need of the utmost attention because it affects the student life on pressures of drinking or taking the load off. Its impact on the community is detrimental to their personal health, but also the safety of others due to the fact that driving under the influence can be fatal to not only themselves, but whom they cause harm to. Work Cited Rothman, Emily F. , Judith Bernstein, and Lee Strunin. â€Å"Why Might Adverse Childhood Experiences Lead To Underage Drinking Among US Youth? Findings From An Emergency Department-Based Qualitative Pilot Study. How to cite Underage drinking, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Smokeless tobacco free essay sample
That is why smokeless tobacco is not a safe alternative but safer that smoking. Horned, Richard says that one third of cancer Is caused by smoking. Smokeless tobacco is not a safe alternative to smoking, but it is safer. Although smokeless tobacco it can deliver high doses of nicotine. It is dependence forming, but do not appear to cause cancer or respiratory diseases. (focuses) Suns Is manufactured some harmful chemicals than dependence forming, but do not appear to cause cancer or Increase in cardiovascular risks and Is likely to be harmful to lower than those caused by smoking. (focuses) People have been brainwashed that smokeless tobacco and smoking cigarettes have the same effects on your body, which is wrong, because humans dont get lung cancer from smokeless tobacco. Plus lung cancer has a higher hence of killing you, because when you breathe it spreads through your body. People say that smokeless tobacco is more addictive, but GHz, S-H says that Men quit smokeless tobacco at three times the rate of quitting cigarettes (38. We will write a custom essay sample on Smokeless tobacco or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 8% vs.. 1 1. 6 All tobacco is addictive and hard to quit. Smokeless tobacco is more addicting because it has a higher nicotine level then.. Cigarettes, but since it has more nicotine you wont have to put in a dip as much as you would smoke a cigarette. When dipping you also leave it in your mouth longer than it takes to smoke a cigarette, so you will have to smoke more often. Everyone says that dip cause mouth cancer. Tooth loss, and yellow teeth. Dry. Rood says that as long as you get regular checkups at the dentist and you brush your teeth you will not lose your teeth and the dentist will be able to catch any sign of cancer before it turns serious. Up to 90% of oral cancer is caused by smoking not smokeless tobacco (Dry. Rood). People think that they can only get lung cancer from smoking not any other cancers. When you put a dip in your mouth you only have it in that one spot, but when you smoke it goes everywhere in your mouth which puts you at a higher risk of attaining oral cancer. Most cases of oral cancer from smokeless tobacco use are above the age of 70 and have been using it for more than 55 years (Dry. Rood) Smokeless tobacco can shorten your life right because it is bad for you, wrong, the difference in peoples life expectancy that have never used smokeless tobacco and people that have used it is only . 001 of a year (Dry. Rood). In Sweden smokeless tobacco Is huge, It Is like there way of life. Sweden has high life expectancy, but if smokeless tobacco was a health risk this would not be so, say Dry. Rood. Nobody in Sweden really smokes cigarettes. They have one of the sweet rates In oral cancer and It Is way lower than the U. S. (Dry. Rood). 80% of OFF Smokeless tobacco is not even on that list. Over the next 20 years the U. S. Will spend over 1 trillion dollars on medical expenses with smoking being 800 billion (Dry. Rood) Leukemia will affect 40 to 80 percent of smokeless tobacco users. Although leukemia might sound scary, all it is white spots in your mouth from dipping a little too much. Researchers say that there is a small chance that it will ever go to the next stage which is cancer. You can keep it from developing by Just changing the placement of your dip.
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